Hear Something Country Christmas 2007 by Various Artists

Various Artists - Hear Something Country Christmas 2007 Album Songs

No Song Title Time
1. Do You Hear What I Hear 4:11
2. Winter Wonderland 3:30
3. Let It Be Christmas 4:10
4. Jingle Bells 2:51
5. Santa Baby 3:26
6. Away In A Manger 3:16
7. Please Come Home For Christmas 3:37
8. O Little Town Of Bethlehem 3:26
9. Merry Christmas From The Family 4:02
10. Let's Make A Little Christmas Tonig... 3:54
11. I'll Be Home For Christmas 3:53
12. Santa Claus Is Comin' To Town 2:23
13. O Come All Ye Faithful 3:59
14. Silent Night 2:02

Hear Something Country Christmas 2007 by Various Artists Album Reviews

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What a joke.. Thanks I tunes for blocking Carrie Underwoods "Do you hear what I hear" I'll just go download it illegally now.

Album only?!. Okay we all know Carrie Underwood is amazing, but seriously do they have to make us suffer by making us buy the entire album??? Anyone who agrees click yes!

Ripped off. Not all songs downloaded

yay, but boo.. i love this album, but i can not buy Carrie Underwood's song!!! blugh! but it is good, what you CAN buy.

this is a good album but.... what about Carrie Underwood??? She is one of the top country artist out there but yet a cant buy a simple christmas song?? and it being the only one that you have to buy the whole album to get it is totally STUPID!!

These songs are good. These songs are good to have on Christmas Day or if you are having a Christmas party. This is what I recomand for the hoildays. These are the best.

Ripped off again!. Don't you think you would make a lot of money if you would sell just the Carrie Underwood song!!!!!!!! Alot of people want it!!!!!!!!!!! I wonder if Miss Underwood knows how much money she losing? Its cases like this that make people pirate the music.

=(. I would have given this album 5 stars if i could have bought just the carrie underwood song instead of having to buy the whole cd.

Please stop screwing us. Just another reason to hate iTunes....PLEASE STOP MAKING ME BUY AN ENTIRE ALBUM FOR ONE SONG. It is the only song on the whole album that I want so thank you for being the worst. You are not getting my money because of it.

Carrie Underwood. I really like Carrie, but I don't want to buy the whole album. I'm mad at iTunes for making people pay almost $11 when they just want Carrie's song.

i only want the carrie underwood song. i love country artists doing xmas songs, but i am upset that you just can't buy the carrie underwood song like you can all of the others. so itunes are you basically saying we have to pay for the whole cd for 1 song...? thats not very nice... (but it is a good album, but should be able to buy the carrie underwood song)

so what?. although if all you want is Carrie's song you have to buy the whole album...its what we have been doing for decades! Its what we did when buying CDs and Cassettes and Vinyl before that. Although i like to buy individual songs like I can do most of the time on itunes, I don't mind every now and then having to buy the whole thing. And in this case the whole thing is pretty good anyway. Pickler's rendition of Santa Baby is pretty good was an unexpected surprise...

Thanks for the Walmart tip. Guess I'll check out Walmart, not a usual stop, but I want Carrie's true rich voice on this one. The rest is good but I just want Carrie's right now. Get with the program itunes....there are other options out there. From the number of comments you'd have sold more singles to make up for one album. Check the business plan.

Do You Hear What I Hear?. Why is it album only? I love that song. It is amazing

YOU CAN BUY THE CARRIE SINGLE! :). I just saw some reviewers below comment on not being able to buy, "Do You Hear What I Hear?" without buying the entire album. I was updating my Carrie collection earlier and found the song by just searching for her name. I didn't even know it was on a Christmas album until after I bought it. Don't let em' fool you! :)

Happy about Christmas. This is a great album! I wanted to purchase something for my 84 year old mother, that was not sung by an older artist who might allow her become overwhelmed with sad memories of my father, and the times when they use to sing these songs together. These are newer artisits, and I know she will enjoy their songs of joy. Hopefully, not becoming sad, as she does when she listens to Bing Crosby and Sinatra sing some of the same melodies. Thank you iTunes and the artists who participated! Yes there is a Christmas Virginia and Juanita (my mother)!

They are Cheating You!!!. Like everyone, I love Carrie Underwood's version of Do You Hear What I Hear. At one time I considdered buying the entire album just to get that one song. Good thing I came to my senses and decided to wait it out and see if iTunes changes it's mind. I was at Kohl's department store and I found a CD that had this song on it. It was only $5 and came with a bunch more good songs! Plus, the profits go to help children in need. It's a much better deal than this stingy campeign. So, what I am trying to say is that THIS CARRIE UNDERWOOD SONG AND 11 OTHER GREAT COUNTRY CHRISTMAS SONGS ARE AVAILABLE FOR $5 AT KOHL'S! The CD is titled "Christmas in the Country." I found it at the register of Kohl's department store.

Great Holiday Album.. I bought this album when it came out last year, and I love it. Perfect album for anyone who is a country/Christmas music fan.

Hear Something Country. ITunes must think we're all pretty stupid, to pay $11 for one song. I will not be manipulated into buying an entire album for one song...especially a seasonal song! It's no wonder piracy is rampant. Poorly done, ITunes.

Love it. Just a great Christmas cd.

Don't give it a bad review if you haven't listen to it.. really, the album is full of great artist. well worth the buy.

Can't buy Carrie Underwood's Song. That's the only song I want from this album

hear something country christmas 2007. why use itunes if you force people to buy entire album , shame on you

Basic idea for itunes?. Was not the basic idea for itunes to bypass crap soungs on albums to get to the good ones?

Scrooge Tunes. I am with others, why is Carrie Underwood's song the only one I can't buy here. I find it quite curious. Is it because Itunes doesn't think that the other songs are worth buying? Blackmailing Carrie's fans at Christmas is pretty low. I will buy her song if you make it available, but I won't buy this album no matter how good it may be because I think it is low that only one song is unavailable to purchase. Don't try to make it up after Christmas either, I won't want it then.

I agree with the others...what a joke. I do like the songs and would probably enjoy the whole album...but will NOT purchase this because iTunes made just one song album only. Could they make it any more obvious? Greed is a shameful thing...I will pass.

GRRR!. OK......I'm in a worship band and we are singing Do You Hear What I Hear and I need the song so i can practice......but I have to get the album in order to get the song!!!!!! Why is only that song too.....are you just making us spend more money for one....ONE song!!!!!!

One more frustrated itunes customer. Why, oh,why, must I buy an album of songs I have already downloaded to get the gem of the whole shebang, Carrie Underwood's "Do You Hear What I Hear?" Charge me $1.99 or $2.99 for the one song, please. Now I'm headed for the local store to find the song on her album...if there is one....Please iTunes, sell us the single song, tis the season...Have a Merry!

This is BS!!. Why is Carrie Underwood's song not available for individual purchase?!?! I have to spend $11 to get just the ONE song that I like??

Disappointed. I love all of these artists, but even then I'm not willing to buy an entire $11 album just to get the one song I originally wanted. If I wanted to do that, I would go out and buy the physical album. It's a greedy and rude sales tactic and, judging by most of the other reviews, not a very effective one.

What the heck!!!. This was released before the Year I was born cause I was borned in 2008

Carrie_Underwood. really y is there no cheap carrie underwood

Hear Something Country Christmas 2007. Really? thats the only song you have to buy the ENTIRE album for? Is it their marketing ploy or Itunes? For an album that is nearly 4 years old?

wow an album johnny gigs gallager likes. well if johnny "gigs" gallager likes it - it must be good lol

Talk About Frustrating. So I have been in love with Carrie Underwood's version of "Do You Hear What I Hear?" since I first heard it last year and was super excited to buy it tonight... until I saw that it is "Album Only" I thought I'd be the only one upset about this, but after reading all of these reviews, I am certainly not the only one. WHY? Just ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous to have to buy an entire album I don't want anything to do with to get a truly amazing song. I really hate iTunes sometimes, I feel like you are taking advantage of your users. Why hasn't anything been done about this? There are probably hundreds of people out there that feel the same way. What's going to stop people from obtaining this song illegally since iTunes won't satisfy their customers?

why itunes, why???????. okay so i luv the carrie underwood song but im completly mad that i cant buy it! her song is awesome and yet i cant buy it, why itunes, why?

I HATE ITUNES. This is an abomination to make other people pay $11.00 for basically one artist and thats mosly Carrie Underwood. The other songs are great as well but BMG Music and iTunes should be ashamed. This is a dirty underhanded tactic and it is very rude. AND YOU ACTUALLY QUESTION WHY PEOPLE PIRATE MUSIC!!!!!!!

Everything but pickle head! I LUV IT!. I love it!! For the first time ever, the only song I DONT want is marked "ALBUM ONLY"! EAT YOUR TEENIE-BOPPER HEARTS OUT!

Annoyed customer. Why do they do this??? This is not the first time I have wanted ONE song. Yet again, they will lose my business because of this. Sadly, I would probably buy the whole album and enjoy it if I wasn't so irritated. Buying my Christmas tunes elsewhere this year. . .

best christmas C.D. Best country c.d i have ever heard that is about christmas =)

ugh. i really hate this cd except for carrie underwood. she sounds perfect and beautiful, so why must i waste money on the whole album? i guess itll be a carrie-less xmas :/

Soft song. I love this very much and it's a Christmas song so it is a soft song to me.

Too much to ask?. All I want is Carrie Underwood. Is that too much to ask?

iTunes just keeps on doing the same thing. They did the exact same thing on the Enchanted album!! They KNOW that Carrie Underwood is all everybody will care about, so what do they do? Make it an album-only. Just like they made Ever Ever After an album-only song on the Enchanted album, because that would give them more money. For those people who are angry about this and buy the whole album anyways, you are supporting this. You are giving in, saying "Oh, alright. I'm mad, but I need the song, so I will." But that's just what iTunes WANTS! It's what iTunes is trying to make you do. So don't give them any money, show them they would make MORE money off of that one single instead of trying to make everybody buy the entire album.

Only wanted the Carrie Underwood Song!. Way to lose a sale iTunes, I'm not paying 11 dollars for one song, that's why I started using iTunes to begin with!

Really iTunes?. I love Carrie Underwood and want to support her but I’ll just go buy one of her albums. I’m off to illegally download her song on this album because there’s no way I’m paying $11 just to get the one song I actually want. You drove me to this iTunes.

Do You Hear What I Hear. I just love Carrie Underwoods version of "Do You Hear What I Hear."

UGH!!!!!. once again another GREAT carrie underwood song has ben set to album only.....honestly why carrie.......? WHY?

rediculous. I think it's rediculous that all of the songs are for individul purchase except the Carrie underwood christmas songs??? I only want her song why should I have to pay 11.00 for it?? it was the same for the Now christams Cd you have to pay 16.99 for one or two songs you like. Its a rip off

SERIOUSLY???. I just want Carrie's version of "Do you hear what I hear" but now I have to buy the whole album which I don't like any of the songs in it. That's ridiculous. I'd better download it illegally

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