Carnival Ride by Carrie Underwood
Artist | Carrie Underwood |
Genre | Country |
Release | 22 October 2007 |
Price | $9.99 |
Tracks | 13 |
Country | USA |
Carrie Underwood - Carnival Ride Album Songs
No | Song Title | Artist | Time |
1. | Flat On The Floor | Carrie Underwood | 3:19 |
2. | All-American Girl | Carrie Underwood | 3:33 |
3. | So Small | Carrie Underwood | 3:46 |
4. | Just A Dream | Carrie Underwood | 4:47 |
5. | Get Out Of This Town | Carrie Underwood | 3:03 |
6. | Crazy Dreams | Carrie Underwood | 3:38 |
7. | I Know You Won't | Carrie Underwood | 4:21 |
8. | Last Name | Carrie Underwood | 4:02 |
9. | You Won't Find This | Carrie Underwood | 3:21 |
10. | I Told You So | Carrie Underwood | 4:19 |
11. | The More Boys I Meet | Carrie Underwood | 3:34 |
12. | Twisted | Carrie Underwood | 3:57 |
13. | Wheel Of The World | Carrie Underwood | 4:42 |
Carnival Ride by Carrie Underwood Album Reviews
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Great Job!. From day 1, I always loved this album. Last Name, Twisted, and Just A Dream are my favorites of this album. The people that really do not like this album may not even know what singing is. Carrie will always be out with more music to hear and less commercials to see.
Luv it. Every time I listen to this album, i luv it more and more. Favs are all-american girl, so small, and the more boys i meet. Its a rly fun album, thx Carrie
My Country Queen ❤️. Favorite songs from this album “Just a Dream” and “All American Girl” ❤️❤️❤️
Not a bad song on the album!. Every single track is awesome! I love Play On and Blown Away, but I would like to see Carrie return to a Carnival Ride sound on future music. Album highlights include All American Girl, So Small, Just A Dream, and Wheel of the World. Oh, and I forgot Last Name, Flat on the Floor, and Get Out of This Town. Well, every song is great so buy it and you'll LOVE it.
All American Girl. Omg you are amazing. You and other people are really inspiring me to what I want to do when I am older.
Try. Yes
JUST A DREAM!!. Absolutely love Just A Dream
All american girl. I absalutely love this song! It has a real meaning
Great album!. Although I like her newest album Blown Away more, this one is still very good. I don't even like country that much. Some songs could be better, but its still good. My favorite songs are Twisted and Crazy Dreams.
Love. I love all American girl, last name, and I know you won’t.
Great. I love every song on it it's a great album
Carrie Underwood. Love all ur songs
This is something my dog could sing. YOU ARE NOT A COUNTRY SINGER GET YOUR GARBAGE HOLLYWOOD CRAP OUT OF COUNTRY MUSIC !!!!!! WORST ALBUM EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great song. I always listen to “So Small.” It’s one of my all time favorite songs.
Basic white girl music. Face it, anyone who qualifies this as good music has FAILED to develop a genuine personality
fav. singer. i love Carrie Underwood she is the best!!!!!!Just a dream is great it is inspiring i love hearing it on the radio.LIKE IF SHE IS YOUR FAV. SINGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Awesome!. If you don't like country, you should give Carrie a try. If you like country, you should already like Carrie! My favs: 1. Just a Dream 2. So Small 3. All-American Girl 4. Flat on the Floor 5. The More Boys I Meet
All-American Girl. Love this song!!! I wasn't a huge fan of Carrie before but now I absolutely LOVE her. I love the whole album but this is my favorite song!!!! Love it!!!
Another great album by Carrie Underwood. Great album Carrie keep up the good work.great songs like All American Girl and Last Name.
Greatest Country Music Singer EVER!!. Carrie is one of THE best country music singers I've ever heard!! It's just her support for gay marriage that prevents me from really supporting her... If she would change that, then I think she'd gain a lot more fans back!!!
I love it. I love it its awesome
I love you carrie undrwood. You are such a good singer carrie you are the best you are a great singer carrie i love country music you are my favorite country singer and my name is noelia lara i love your albums
Just a dream. Great song. Sad song. I'm crying right now😢
Love This Song. This the most beautiful song! It's a sad song, Beautifully Sung
Awsome songs. LOVE your songs I LOVE country !!! :) <3
Love it. You just can't get better than Carrie underwood she is the best I've sen her in concert twice for carnival ride than blown away she was my first concert and is the best American idol ever
Keep On Carrie!. Carrie is a true example of what good country music is supposed to be. I respect her style and choice of songs so much. Shes beautiful with has a voice to match. Such a powerful voice. As good as her first CD was, you can hear a much more personal touch across all 13 of these songs. She mixes up some humorous songs here with a mix of tradiational life songs as well. One of the few albums I've ever bought within hours of it's release.
when you woke up from your dream.. i mean...nightmare. this song helped me through some bad times thank you @CarrieUnderwood
Awesome. Carrie Underwood's Carnival Ride album rocks. I am such a big fan. Keep up the good work!!!
Very good album. Very good
Beautiful. All American girl is my favorite song and it is beautiful
Carrie underwood!!!. This album is awesome!!!!! Flat on the floor and so small are my favorite songs!!! I love you Carrie!! Keep killing it girl!!!
I love ya Carrie!!!! 😍😍. You are my favorite artist!!! I listen to your songs over and over again!!!! I love your new album Blown Away! It's amazing!!!!! 😍😍 Love your--- #1 Fan 😍😍
Blown Away. This is the best song ever
Thank you!❤️. Carrie you inspire me so much! I want this song to be on when I walk down the isle you are awesome and your songs mean so much to me. we are in quarantine right now and when I play this song and cry because all I can think about is my amazing boyfriend and my bffs but thank you so much and keep inspiring people!😁😁😁
Great work Carrie. This. Is the best album yet! Great work Carrie! Carrie is my favorite singer I have been to 7 of her concerts. And I 💚 all the songs in this album!
Oh my gosh. This is a work of art.. I like every single song. I can just play the album on repeat all the time nonstop. 1. Flat on the floor - 4.5/5 I love how county it is and it's constantly stuck in my head. So good! 2. All-American girl - 4.5/5 So sweet and cute and has the best music video ever! 3. So Small - 5.5/5 So beautiful and meaningful and just everything. Love love love it! 4. Just a dream - 5.5/5 so beautiful and sad and tell a great story 5. Get out of this town - 4/5 good but not quite as good as the first 4 6. Crazy dreams - 3/5 I think his is the only song I'm not feeling on this album 7. I know you won't - 4.5/5 originally didn't like, but it grew on me. Very very good 8. Last name - 5/5 catchy and good story - nice and sassy 9. You won't find this - 5.5/5 so good!!! Might be my favorite in the album!! So pretty and amazing. So so so so so so so so so good!! ❤️ 10. I told you so - 3/5 I'm just not feeling it. It's not a bad song, but doesn't shine as much as the others 11. The more boys I meet - 4/5 hilarious! 12. Twisted - 4/5 very good and very relatable 13. Wheel of the World - 6/5 beautiful!!! Just amazing!! Amazing lyrics, amazing voice, amazing song!!! Love love love love love love love LOVE!!!!
Love it. I love this album it is AMAZING!!!!!
Amazing!!!. Love this album so much!!!
Carnival Ride. Favorite Tracks off this Album 1. So Small 5/5 Great song with a great message 2. All American Girl 5/5 this song relates so much to me 3. Last Name 4/5 the BHC of Carnival Ride 4. Just a Dream 5/5 a very powerful and moving Song 5. I Told You So 4/5 the most country song on the album and the best cover of this song 6. Flat on the Floor 3/5 a Bop and great opening Track 7. I Know You Won’t 5/5 the insane Vocals on this song ! 8. You Won’t Find This 3/5 A new Favorite of mine
BEST EVER!!!!😍. Personally I love the song "All American Girl" But her whole album is the best yet!! I really hope she makes more like this
The best. I love all the songs I've sang her songs my whole life
Love It!!!!!!!. I love this album but I love you way way more! You are an amazing person and I love you!
Wonderful album!!!!. I LOVED listening to this. There aren't too many Carrie Underwood songs I don't like. I really like the first song, "Flat on the Floor." I also like "Just a Dream" a lot. If you listen to this whole thing, you won't regret it and won't be wasting your time.
Sad, but beautiful!😢💔. I just got just a dream, I loved it! It was really sad though, I can't sing it without crying. I'm wired though, with something's I can seem a bit heartless, and with others I can tear up at the smallest thing. It was a great song though! Listening to it now!;😭😭😌😭😭😭😭😔😭😭😌 okay, it's over! Thx 4 ur time!
Love this. Great album
❤️. ❤️
Carrie Underwood is great. Carrie Underwood is a great inspiring, terrific singer. I love all of her music and she is really pretty.
I can't get enough. I honestly can't get enough of her music, she's amazing.
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!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. By far the best country singer ever
Amazing. You know for an American Idol winner I never really expected much but not only was her first album great, this album is about 10 times better! She has one of the most amazing voices I've ever heard in my life and she sings each song with so much emotion and power. I love it. I'm not even a big fan of country! But I love Carrie. Woot Carrie! All her success is very well deserved.
Amazing. When I heard So Small I kind of thought Carnival Ride wouldn't be a good follow up to her Some Hearts album. The single So Small just doesn't do justice to just how good this album is. She's definitely growing as an artist and choosing the right people to work with in helping convey her musical personality. I admit I don't listen to country. I'm very picky so I choose artists I like here and there, songs I like here and there. I would hate to listen to the little-in-substance-terrible-hip-hop -equivalent-mind-numbing-songs of country but Carrie Underwood is a talent to be reckon with.
awesome. best cd ever even tops her other one love it can't wait for the next one to come out
ShE dId It AgAiN. I love that album The son i love the best was All-American Girl that was such a good song thank you to that football player that she had mention in the song All-American Girl too bad Anthony Federov is not part of the word "Canthony" Anyways ShE dId It AgAiN
NICE!!!. This is an Amazing album! all the songs get you just right! Wheel of the World, So Small and Just a Dream are just some of her Great Songs. Carrie Underwood has a Perfect voice! Cant wait till November 3!!!!!!!! :-D
Carrie Underwood Dazzles All....... Carrie really showed that she can sing in this album, and that her voice can reach and she can really sing! Her other album didn't quite demonstrate this as well as Carnival Ride did, and I look forward to seeing where Carrie goes.....I'll be looking forward to another album!
Amazing, simply Amazing. As said before, Carrie has definatly done it again. This amazing album can not be described in one word. But as for Carrie: Carrie I love you and your music so much!! You are simply amazing and your voice is so incredible, I have been supporting you since Idol, and I knew you would do so well!! You are simply amazing and are my Idol. :) Lots of Love, God Bless!!
Wow! Best ever!. Carrie underwood inspires me so much and she is yhe best singer ever I sa her concert and I was so happy I wish I got to meet her sooo bad my favourite song on this album is just a dream I used to dislike this song but I love it soooo much !
So good. I think 'Carrie did it again!!' Every time. Man if I had the tune ideas and words, I'd be a singer too. Oh well, God make some people's futures good, while other people get it good too but they over look it.
amazing !. To myself ,I think her first was much better. But I am in love with So Small. Also a little annoyed the Enchanted soundtrack won`t let you buy Ever Ever After without buying the whole album. =P
ilove cArrIE. i really like some songs in here especially last name.... i luv carrie and taylor swifT!!!!!
Hi Mark. Mark is the best and so is Carrie Underwood!!
Amazing Album. Theres all sorts of songs. Fast to slow to medium. In each one her voice soars to its full potential, especially in "I Know You Won't". I strongly recommend people to buy this CD. It is truly the best. Support this extremely talented artist!
Same Stuff. I like Carrie Underwood but all of her songs sound the same. All about being sad. She should write a more joyful song once in a while.
LOVE this album. i love Carrie Underwood. all the songs on this album are great. my favorite song on this album is all amrican girl
Wooow. Woow this is an amazing album i am a young singer myself and carrie is definitely the one i look up to. Keep Up The Good Work!!
Amazing. Carrie Underwood has done it again! She has yet to put out a bad song, she is definately deserving of all those awards she is getting. i <3 her..amazing
Looooooooooooooooooooooove. Looooooce this album u go girl
love. she is a amazing she is talented i love just a dream
I told you so... =]. I told you so...she's amazing! x] But who doesnt know that? I seriously LOVE this album. The songs Just a dream & So small are so deep. & I really feel i can relate to it. It is as someone else said...the songs give me the shivers & it really sounds like they were writtin for you. JUST for you. [someone else already said saying the same cause i feel the same way...] I listen to so small when i wake up & go to sleep. That way i really think about the meaning...This song is amazing...this album...incredible. You HAVE to buy it. ^^ <3
Good second C.D. Carrie's new album is really good too. Not much more to say.
Carrie Underwood Rocks!!!!!. Carrie Underwood is one of my favorite singers. She has a awsome voice and you can tell her songs come from the heart and if she isn't a true country singer I don't know what is. Love you girl!!!
Favorite Country Album!. I have loved Carrie since she first stepped on that American Idol stage, and I have followed her music ever since. I loved her first album, but this one definitely takes the cake! My favorites are Flat On The Floor, Just A Dream, I Know You Won't, Last Name and Wheel Of The World.
American Idol Winner Does It Again!. 'Some Hearts' was a great start out album, but 'Carnival Ride' is just outstanding! Yeah, Carrie says she`s really acually shy, but she doesn`t show that in her videos! Last Name, that video is one of her best and it made me laugh out loud because it`s like a sequal to Before He Cheats! I hope she makes a video for The More Boys I meet! That would be the best video! My fave song guessed it! The More Boys I meet! I recomend this album for anyone! Whatever music they like!
This Album Rocks!. I found all the songs on the album great but I especially liked All-American Girl,So Small, and Flat On the Floor. Keep up the good work Carrie!!
Wears me out, can't take it. Like Daughtry, Carrie milks the big note that got the best response on the Idol shows. Take a breath, relax, and lay back more. It's like a full volume onslaught. That said, I love the songs and the backing music. Maybe next time every song won't be at the absolute top of these singer's range.
Awsome. I don't really like country music but Carrie Underwood is the first person to win American Idol that has any talent at all. I love the song all-american girl and she was really good on Saturday Night Live when she performed for the second time
BUY THIS ALBUM. If you are considering buying this album, i will make the decision for you. BUY IT. NOW. IT WILL FOREVER BE ONE OF YOUR FAVORITE ALBUMS. So many great tunes, great for a road trip, keeping your spirits up, or music for your room - each track is so addictive and soon you'll know the words to each song!! LOVE LOVE BUY BUY
Great album again!. Carrie never fails to impress, she has a great voice and a great mix of songs on her album for everyone.
Excellent Work by Ms. Underwood, Buy the whole album now!. Carnival Ride is a very good album and for the most part better than her first. I have purchased both albums and while I do like a few of her songs on the first (Don't Forget to Remember me, Some Hearts & Before He Cheats) I like her hits on Carnival Ride better (So Small is excellent and Just A Dream is simply moving if a little serious). Overall, Carrie Underwood is another country music artist that you should check out even if you don't like country (same goes for Taylor Swift as well). Purchase the album & enjoy!
Terrific! if you like country music and a singer with a belting voice u'll love this cd. carrie underwood has done it again! catchy tunes . talented voice ! in this cd you get a variety of slow awsome songs and catchy upbeat songs that brighten your day! :)
Carrie rocks... again!!!. Carrie one of the best singers hands down! She has power, and her songs are both fun and touching! She rocks!!! Carrie underwood has a long career ahead of her, and she is proving to be one of the best country singers of all time!!! :D
Amazing. Carrie underwood has never sung a horrible song. She goes away from that good girl thang an yes she is awesome!!
Whiny. First Carrie has a god-awful voice. Then everything in this album-from her voice to the lyrics come across as whiny and she doesn't come across as a credible singer.
Smoking Hot!. Carrie was my favourite on American Idol but I'm seeing she dosen't to build her talents on just that American Idol plartfourm. Even though saying that a very very very great catchy album. I love Carrie Underwood!
Totally amazing. This is by far an amazing work, all through. Excellent work Carrie,
Wow. I love to at Carrie doesn’t sweat AT all I fully trust Carrie underwood to not swear in her songs she awesome 👏
Beautiful!. wow! this album is AMAZING Her heart and soul is poured into it, and can't help but make you smile when you listen to each song, Good job to Carrie on this, "Some Hearts" was awesome, but "Carnival Ride" is 23957 better
Five Stars isn't enough. Carrie is the classiest, sexiest, most talented woman in the country music industry today and this album is just another in a long line of gems to come.
Sorry 😐 I can’t say I like this album.. Just a dream sounds like Circles ⭕️⭕️ by the band Anthem Lights. Members Chad Graham Spencer Kane Joseph Stamper and Caleb Grimm. Past members Kyle Kupecky and Alan Powell.
It's okay. I loved Carrie on Idol but when her 1st album came out, Some Hearts, I was disapointed. Now she returns with this album, it is better than Some Hearts, but to be honest isnt a whole lot different. I think she played really safe by doing a very similiar album and to be honest, went more to the pop sound, which surprised me, I thought she'd for sure go more country. She'll probably just end up releaing the most popish songs like Flat On The Floor, Get Out Of This Town, and Last Name and let them ride on the success of Before He Cheats. However I will say it's an okay listen.
ALL HER SONGS R PERFECT !!. Just a person needs to hear ! she´s done it just perfectly !!!!!! it´s just more than worth it !!!
WOW - great!. I didn't get her first cd so I didn't know really if I would like all her music since I had just heard the main hits but man oh man, can this girl sing! She delivers from start to finish and I think its due in part to her way of getting at the everday things, that help her to connect with people. I loved this CD and I am so glad that I bought it!
carrie just keeps getting better. more country then country pop like her last album but it suits her even better. i'm not a huge country fan but i'm a huge carrie fan and this album is amazing! her version of the randy travis song "i told you so" is absolutely GORGEOUS!!! another great one off the top of my head is "the more boys i meet", it's so cute. BUY THIS ALBUM!
my idol!. I love love love Carrie! Im not sure I love this cd as much as her first but it is still great! She can do no wrong!!
Underwood never under my standards. Carnival ride was a great album, i realy loved "crazy dreams" and "just a dream" I realy just want to say, that Carrie Underwood is a great artist and she is the reason that I fell in love with country!
WOW!. You can literally feel the passion in every song! This is her best album by far! Amazing! Wether you like country or not, you will fall in love with this CD!
amazing !. Love carrie underwood! this album has happy songs, sad songs and upbeat songs. I'd have to say the best song on the album (hard to choose!) is Just A Dream. The vocals are AMAZING, and the lyrics are just as amazing. Just A Dream gives me chills every time I hear it. "So Small" is an amazing song with lyrics that will help you get though anything. Top 3: Just A Dream, So Small, Last Name. CARRIE UNDERWOOD, FTW!
Carrie Underwood - Carnival Ride. Love this album SOOOOO much!!! She's my type of female country artist!!! I fall asleep every time I listen to her - she is so infectious!!!!
Best Ever. I bought this alban a while ago and i cant stop lidtening to it, its so good. She has an amazing voice and definatly worth buying. i will never regret buying this CD. Definatly worth buying even if your not a country fan.
Fantastic. I've waited far too long for this album to be released following the cracking Some Hearts album and its been well worth the wait. A truly talented act with addictive tones. If your thinking about buying this, stop thinking, start buying. Show some support and raise the demand through the roof so we dont have to wait so long next time it's more than worth it :o)
Fantasitc album. Put simply, this album is outstanding. It is such a pleasure to listen to, I feel like I'm treating myself when I put it on. I Know You Won't is a showcase of Carrie's vocal talents and I swear you'll be blown away by it. The album has a humourous and fun vibe to it yet the tender moments are beautifully played and full of such genuine emotion it's impossible not to stop everything and listen. I'm not a big fan of country music but this album transends the genre and is totally accessible. I love this album and can't stop listening to it. Carrie Underwood is one of the most talented singers on this planet right now. Buy it, try it, and you will LOVE it!
god put us here on this carnival ride. as much as I would love to rave about the beauty of Just A Dream (I cried when I first listened to the lyrics) I think the beauty of the album is the conclusion written beautifully in the last song of 'Wheel of the World'. I know it's not as popular because she didn't release it but is my favourite song on the album. buy it. listen to the lyrics and melody then decide for yourself but dont let the oppurtunity of this song pass you by.
Amazing!!. this album is amazing, every carrie fan in the UK really needs to show there support and buy the album, ive got the imported one but this is our chance to make carrie big in the UK every track will have you addicted -
Perfection. This album is amazing. I love Carrie so much. So small = perfection :D
Love this!!!. This is a great new album by Carrie Underwood. Listen especially to All-American Girl, which i downloaded and haven't stopped listening to!!
Fantastic. I have both of Carrie's albums and they are both out of this world. She is a pure genius who deserves all the awards and praise that she gets. Good on you girl.
OMG. one word...WOW!!! love it, i pre ordered it from america wen it 1st came out lol xxxxxxx
A Ride To Never Forget. Carrie Underwoods sophomore album delivers another brilliantly produced contemporary country sound that fans will love - just like her first album Some Hearts. She has an amazing voice and is almost flawless when performing live. This album sticks to the same vibes as Some Hearts - clever storytelling lyrics and great melodies. For fans of Carries' huge hit Before He Cheats, why not try Last Name from this album. A big ballad fan??? - try So Small, Just A Dream, I Know You Won't & You Won't Find This I Told You So is a cover of the Randy Travis hit. Up-tempo tunes come from Flat On The Floor, All-American Girl, Get Out Of This Town, Crazy Dreams, The More Boys I Meet (The More I Love My Dog!!!! ha ha) & Twisted A lovely relaxed ending is from Wheel Of The World - where you will find the words CARNIVAL RIDE!!!!! - random fact for you there! I am a huge fan of Carrie so it is great to see her now on the UK iTunes - without really promoting herself over here. I know country isn't really big over here but I think it should be cos I love it!!!!
Carrie Underwood has done it again!. She really is an amazing talent because she just has this ability to sing such amazing songs. My personal favourite on this album is I Know You Won't...kinda reminds of Leona Lewis's Homeless song from her debut Spirit.
Perfection doesnt do it justice. I absolutley love carrie underwood as both an artist and person, her music speaks to you on levels that no one elses does. Her voice on this album sounds so pure i loved it soooo much that i bought the album from HMV and i bought it on itunes so i could listen to it on my ipod. I loved her first album some hearts but i dont know what it is about this album it just gels perfectly. All her songs tell a story especially JUST A DREAM the lyrics are truly inspirational 4 any1 whoes lost a loved one in a war. ITS AN AMAZING CD
A Breath of Fresh Air. Due to the dire nature of music over the past few months (Ting Tings anyone?), I have been forced to search further afield for my musical fix. So imagine my delight when I came upon the fab Carrie Underwood and her catchy mix of country and pop. I have completely fallen in love with her, and have had this album on repeat for the past 2 weeks. No idea why she hasn't had a big push in this country before. LOVE HER!
Carrie's powerful voice is not So Small. Carrie is the best female voice there is in music today. She perfectly mixes Traditional Country like the Randy Travis song I Told You So (where she is helped by Country Music Hall Of Fame member Vince Gill on backing vocals), the Country-Rock of Ashley Monroe's "Flat On The Floor", echoes of Dolly Parton on "Crazy Dreams" and the Country-Pop sound of Wheel Of The World and So Small. In terms of vocals the best track is "I Know You Won't" where she shows off just how good her voice is. If you like good music, and even if you think you don't like Country, buy a couple of these songs and see what you're missing out on!
Fun!. Great album. A must own.
IT'S ABOUT TIME!!. Now all we need is for some hearts to be uploaded!, but hey, finally itunes has put something up! p.s. the album is great, loving just a dream, last name and All-American Girl. and So small could stand out on it's own. i've had it for months as i couldn't be bothered to wait for itunes.
This Country Won't Suceed. It's a shame that Underwood released this album. It's hard to go in to why I feel it, but the actual tracks are altogether lackluster and fail to meet the expectaitons of her debut 'Some Hearts'. For example, All American Girl, the second single from the album, has little, or no, hooks - the song feels like one huge verse which is a repetetive pattern. If you didn't know, this is Underwood's first time writing on an album (excluding one song on Some Hearts), and it feels as if she is trying to impress critics. However, she doesn't seem to have the writing ability of other Idol alums, like Kelly Clarkson or Chris Daughtry. Her verses are meagre and her choruses are just dull. The best track on the album is definitely the first single, So Small, which is a country ballad not to be missed. Don't by the album, just download that song - you won't regret it.
Ama-za-zing. Just as we all thought it was impossible for Carrie to copy the incredible success of her debut album 'Some Hearts', slashing all records, she hits us with 'Carnival Ride'. With a similar country sound to 'Some Hearts', 'Carnival Ride' is a hit a minuite album with perfect Pop/Country up-tempos and ballads for every moment in our lives. This album really shows off Carries amazing vocal tone and range as she effortsly hits the all important notes in difficult songs like 'I know you won't' and 'Just a dream'. Not only are the lyrics effortlesly sung by Carrie but alot of the songs carry an important message whether it's to look at the important things in our lives (So Small) or to never let go of our dreams (Crazy Dreams) this album has it all, anyone of which could become a hit single for Carrie. Songs to look out for: *Flat on the floor *All-American girl *So small *Just a dream *Crazy Dreams *I know you won't *Last name *The more boys i meet *Twisted *Wheel of the world The 4th American idol has most definatly done it again.
great country album. great great - as great as the previous one. my favourite tracks: i know you won't, wheel of the world, so small.
Great second CD from Carrie. This girl has real talent. She can belt with the best, but also shines singing big power ballads. Great cover of the Randy Travis classic I Told You So. Well deserved winner of the CMA Award for the second year running.
Amazin!!. Its an amazin album!! luv Carrie Underwood :) she is an awesome singer!! wow!!
This album is amazing. Carrie has amazing talent and amazing songs, I recomend her to everyone. This album is a must have.
Great album.. Not all of it downloading to my iPhone though, tried several times but to no avail, any ideas ? Thanks x
I know you won't...... OMG, I love the song "I know you won't". I haven't even listened to the rest of the album because I get passed this song......
Carrie Underwood is amazing.. I love Carrie Underwood - I have both of her albums and I think they are both amazing. She has an amazing voice and I like the country twist she has put her music. Hope she tours the UK soon!
Brilliant again.. Very pleased that Itunes have finally added Carrie Underwood to the UK store, although would be nice to see "Some Hearts" on here too. This is a brilliantly powerful album which does not disappoint. I do personally prefer the first album but that maybe because it is so familiar to me. Carnival Ride grows on me a little more each time I listen to it. Country music is not a huge genre in the UK but do not let this label put you off! It is better than most offerings in the UK top 40 at the moment!!
Simply outstanding. There has never been a more deserving American Idol. Carrie is talented and beautiful inside and out and so was bound to be a success. This album will appeal to people, even if they don't particularly like country music because there's something in it for everyone. Her voice just takes you away. An excellent album
Carrie Delivers Again!. It's nice to see that iTunes has finally added Carrie to the store - now you just need to add her debut album Some Hearts. Carnival Ride is Carrie's second offering of top-notch modern country songs that matches, if not exceeds, her debut album. Like Some Hearts, there are some ballad-esque tracks and some fun, up-tempo numbers for you to enjoy. Although I personally find some of the songs quite forgettable and boring, I don't think there's any spanners thrown in the works for anyone to complain about. My personal favourites: Flat On The Floor So Small Just A Dream Get Out Of This Town I Know You Won't Last Name All in all, those of you who were fans of Carrie's debut album Some Hearts are going to love this album, either less or more. Once again, Carrie delivers some cracking story-telling tunes with great vocals and emotions and manages to deliver country music in a new perspective to reach larger audiences. If you've never heard of Carrie before and you're a Pop/RnB fan, then I strongly recommended you give this album a shot or at least download some of my favourite tracks as Carrie is a fantastic talent that deserves more recognition in the UK.
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